プライバシーポリシー | Privacy Policy


This website exerts the utmost effort to respect and protect your privacy concerning any personal information related to you.

個人情報の取得に関して | Regarding the Collection of Personal Information


On this website, you may be asked to provide the minimum necessary personal information when using the service. For more details, please refer here.

利用目的に関して | Regarding the Purpose of Use


The personal information provided by you will only be used within the scope of the services you use and our business operations.

情報の利用と共有に関して | Regarding the Use and Sharing of Information


Unless required by laws and regulations, the personal information provided by you on this website will not be provided or disclosed to third parties without your prior consent.

Cookieの利用 | Use of Cookies


This website may use cookies to enhance user experience and improve the service. You can manage the use of cookies through your browser settings.

Google AdSense | Google AdSense

当ウェブサイトはGoogle AdSenseを利用しており、Google AdSenseの広告配信に関連する情報の収集が行われることがあります。詳細はGoogleの広告に関するポリシーを参照してください。

This website uses Google AdSense, and information related to Google AdSense ad serving may be collected. For more details, please refer to Google's Advertising Policies.

Google Analytics | Google Analytics

当ウェブサイトでは、サービスの改善およびウェブサイトの使用状況の分析を目的としてGoogle Analyticsを利用しています。Google Analyticsは、お客様のウェブサイト利用状況に関連するデータを収集します。このデータは匿名化されており、個人を特定するものではありません。詳細はGoogleのプライバシーポリシーを参照してください。

We use Google Analytics on this website for the purpose of improving our services and analyzing the usage status of the website. Google Analytics collects data related to your usage of the website. This data is anonymized and does not identify individuals. For more details, please refer to Google's privacy policy.

お問い合わせ | Contact


If you have any questions or opinions about our privacy policy, please contact us at hirototomo2@gmail.com.

運営者情報 | Operator Information

ウェブサイト名: How Japanese

ウェブサイトURL: https://how-japanese.com/


Website Name: How Japanese

Website URL: https://how-japanese.com/

Operator: HIRO and TOMO

お問い合わせ | Contact


For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us at the following email address: hirototomo2@gmail.com