
Essential Japanese Phrases for Learners

Learn fundamental words and expressions in Japanese with this guide. Discover how to convey emotions, show gratitude, greet, bid farewell, and more. Whether you're a beginner or aiming to enhance your communication skills, these phrases are a great starting point. Explore how to say "Love," "Thank you," "Hello," "Goodbye," "Yes," "No," "Please," and "Sorry" in Japanese. Each phrase is presented with its pronunciation, example sentence, English translation, and common usage. Perfect for those eager to engage with the Japanese language and culture.

Basic Words and Phrases for Japanese Learners

The following are basic words and their example sentences.

1. "Thank you"(ありがとうございます)

  • Pronunciation in Japanese: ありがとうございます (arigatou)
  • Example Sentence: ありがとうございます、たすかりました。
    • English Translation: Thank you, you helped me.
  • Usage: Used to express gratitude.

2. "Hello"(こんにちは)

  • Pronunciation in Japanese: こんにちは (konnichiwa)
  • Example Sentence: こんにちは、おひさしぶりですね。
    • English Translation: Hello, long time no see.
  • Usage: Used to greet someone during the daytime.

3. "Goodbye"(さようなら)

  • Pronunciation in Japanese: さようなら (sayounara)
  • Example Sentence: さようなら、またあいましょう。
    • English Translation: Goodbye, let's meet again.
  • Usage: Used when parting ways.

4. "Yes"(はい)

  • Pronunciation in Japanese: はい (hai)
  • Example Sentence: はい、かりました。)
    • English Translation: Yes, I understand.
  • Usage: Used to indicate agreement or consent.

5. "No"(いいえ)

  • Pronunciation in Japanese: いいえ (iie)
  • Example Sentence: いいえ、ちがいます。
    • English Translation: No, that's incorrect.
  • Usage: Used to indicate disagreement or denial.

6. "Please"(お願いします)

  • Pronunciation in Japanese: おねがいします (onegai shimasu)
  • Example Sentence: おねがいします、手伝てつだってください。
    • English Translation: Please, help me.
  • Usage: Used when making a request.

7. "Sorry"(ごめんなさい)

  • Pronunciation in Japanese: ごめんなさい (gomen nasai)
  • Example Sentence: ごめんなさい、おくれました。
  • ひさしぶの再開さいかい:A Long-Overdue Reunion(会話編)

    タケシ: あ、ジョン!ひさしぶり!
    (Oh, John! Long time no see!)

    ジョン: え、タケシ!? なんねんぶりかな?あたらしい会社かいしゃはどう?
    (Whoa, Takeshi!? How many years has it been? How's the new job?)

    タケシ: うん、まあまあかな。面白おもしろいし、職場の人しょくばのひとたちともうまくいっているよ。ジョンは?
    (Yeah, not bad, and I get along well with my coworkers. How about you, John?")

    ジョン: まあまあだね。毎日まいにちいそがしいけど、たのしんでるよ。
    (It's alright. I'm busy every day, but I'm enjoying it.)

    タケシ: そうなんだ。ちかいうち一緒いっしょみに行かない?
    (Is that so? How about we go out for drinks sometime soon?)

    ジョン: いいね!ごめん、いそぐんでるんであとでメールするね。
    (Sounds good! Sorry, I'm in a rush now, but I'll email you later.)

    タケシ: 了解りょうかい

    ジョン: じゃあ、またね!
    (Alright, see you later!)