運営者情報:About us

ウェブサイト名: Fun Fun Japanese

ウェブサイトURL: https://how-japanese.com/


Website Name: Fun Fun Japanese

Website URL: https://how-japanese.com/

Operator: HIRO and TOMO


email address: hirototomo2@gmail.com

このこのウェブサイトはなん役立やくだつのか?   What is this website useful for?


On this website, I offer a variety of content for those interested in learning Japanese.

英訳えいやく音声おんせいファイル  English Translations and Audio Files


I provide English translations and audio files on every page to help more people learn Japanese effectively.

わたしたちについて  About Us


HIRO is in his late twenties and started from a point of having no knowledge of English. Despite this, he managed to pass the California real estate broker's exam and also achieved the highest level of proficiency in the English proficiency test in Japan. Drawing from this experience, he desires to be of help to others learning Japanese.

提供ていきょう予定よてい内容コンテンツ  Planned Content


On this website, I plan to offer a variety of content to support the improvement of your Japanese conversational skills.

お問い合わせおもんいあわせ  Contact Us


If you have any questions, opinions, or requests, please feel free to email us.


プライバシーポリシー  Privacy Policy


For details regarding the privacy policy of this website, please check here.