Vocabulary to Search Housing in Japan
Vocabulary for Real Estate Search in Japan
If you're planning to search for real estate in Japan, it's helpful to have a grasp of key vocabulary. This list includes essential words related to housing and accommodation, enabling you to navigate the process of finding your new home with confidence. From apartment types to rent-related terms, transportation access, and more, this vocabulary compilation aims to assist beginners in their housing journey in Japan.Japanese Vocabulary you should know for real estate search
- アパート/マンション - Apartment/Condominium
- 家賃 - Rent
- 敷金 - Security Deposit
- 礼金 - Key Money
- 敷金・礼金なし - No Security Deposit or Key Money
- 家具付き - Furnished
- 家具なし - Unfurnished
- 部屋 - Room
- 間取り - Floor Plan
- 1K - One Room
- 1DK - One Bedroom & Dining Kitchen
- 1LDK - One Bedroom & Living Dining Kitchen
- 2LDK - Two Bedrooms & Living Dining Kitchen
- バス・トイレ別 - Separate Bathroom and Toilet
- 駐車場 - Parking Space
- 駅近 - Close to Station
- 買い物施設近く - Near Shopping Facilities
- 交通便利 - Convenient Transportation
- 最寄り駅 - Nearest Station
- バス停 - Bus Stop
- コンビニ - Convenience Store
- スーパー - Supermarket
- 公共交通機関 - Public Transportation
- 市街地 - City Center
- 静かな環境 - Quiet Environment
- 防犯対策 - Security Measures
- ペット可/不可 - Pet-Friendly/Not Pet-Friendly
- 築年数 - Age of Building
- リフォーム済み - Renovated
不動産営業マンとの会話:Conversation with a real estate agent
(Salesman: Welcome. What kind of apartment or condominium are you looking for?)
(Foreign Customer: Hello. I'm looking for a 1LDK or 2LDK room. I prefer it to be close to the station and near shopping facilities.)
(Salesman: Understood. Would you like it to be furnished or unfurnished?)
(Foreign Customer: I prefer furnished. Also, do you have properties with separate bathroom and toilet?)
(Salesman: Yes, we have several. Do you have any preferences regarding security deposit and key money?)
(Foreign Customer: If possible, I'd prefer properties with no security deposit or key money.)
(Salesman: Understood. Do you have pets? Are you looking for pet-friendly properties?)
(Foreign Customer: Yes, I have a dog. I prefer pet-friendly properties.)
(Salesman: Understood. I will look for properties near the nearest station, bus stop, convenience store, and supermarket, located in a city center with convenient transportation and a quiet environment.)
(Foreign Customer: Thank you. I'd also like properties with strong security measures.)
(Salesman: Of course, I will primarily search for properties with good security. Do you have any preferences about the age of the building or renovations?)
(Foreign Customer: I'd prefer newer properties or ones that have been renovated.)
(Salesman: Got it. I will then introduce you to some properties that match your criteria.)
(Foreign Customer: Thank you very much.)