Ordinary Days, Extraordinary Dreams
Kiyomi works at a major bank surrounded by buildings in Tokyo, handling counter services.
Her one-hour one-way commute by train is so crowded that she can hardly move.
Kiyomi closes her eyes and listens to English conversations coming through her earphones.
Although her bank job requires an 8-hour workday, 2 to 3 hours of overtime had become a daily routine.
Various customers visit the bank: an elderly woman who immediately starts talking about her family, small business executives who always seem impatient, and so on.
Despite the challenges of customer service, she never loses her smile and seems to enjoy her work.
After work, she heads to an English conversation class.
She started attending a year after joining the bank, and this year marks her third year.
Her dream was to someday have a job where she could use English.
The salary in the banking industry was higher compared to other sectors, and she had no complaints.
However, without acquiring any particularly new skills, she felt anxious imagining herself a decade later: perhaps having saved some money, but otherwise unchanged by age and with nothing else having changed.
On an early morning one weekend, as Kiyomi ran along the riverbank listening to Western music from her earphones, her eyes sparkled, reflecting the morning sun.
She ran, letting her dreams race towards the future.
囲まれた (かこまれた) - Surrounded
大手銀行 (おおてぎんこう) - Major bank
窓口業務 (まどぐちぎょうむ) - Counter services
片道 (かたみち) - One-way
通勤電車 (つうきんでんしゃ) - Commute train
身動き (みうごき) - Move about; budge
混雑 (こんざつ) - Congestion; crowding
英会話 (えいかいわ) - English conversation
勤務 (きんむ) - Service; duty; work
残業 (ざんぎょう) - Overtime work
日常化 (にちじょうか) - Become routine or daily
高齢 (こうれい) - Old age
急かす (せかす) - To hurry; to rush
小企業 (しょうきぎょう) - Small enterprise/business
役員 (やくいん) - Officer; executive
接客 (せっきゃく) - Attend to customers
絶やさず (たえざず) - Without ceasing; continuously
英会話教室 (えいかいわきょうしつ) - English conversation class
就職 (しゅうしょく) - Find employment; get a job
業種 (ぎょうしゅ) - Type of industry
給料 (きゅうりょう) - Salary
何ら (なんら) - In any way; of any kind
反射 (はんしゃ) - Reflection
輝いて (かがやいて) - Shining; sparkling
馳せながら (はせながら) - To let something run or race (e.g., one's imagination)