

Mike, an American, dreamed of studying in Japan but was on the verge of giving up due to the difficulty of the Japanese language.

Michelle, who had passed the N1 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, advised, "Learning Japanese has its ups and downs, but it's important to continue little by little every day."

Michelle also said, "It's great to have big dreams, but managing your daily actions and doing what needs to be done every day is even more crucial."

Learning Japanese is like running a marathon. It's key to success to continue at your own pace without rushing and without overexerting yourself.

Lean Japanese.Vocabulary

留学りゅうがく - Study abroad 難しさむずかしさ - Difficulty 挫折ざせつ - Give up / Frustration 日本語検定にほんごけんてい - Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 - N1 (highest level of the JLPT) 学習がくしゅう - Learning / Study 山あり谷ありやまありたにあり - Ups and downs 毎日まいにち - Every day 大きな夢おおきなゆめ - Big dreams 行動こうどう - Action / Behavior 管理かんり - Manage / Management マラソンマラソン - Marathon 急ぐいそぐ - Rush 無理むり - Overexert / Force マイペースマイペース - One's own pace 継続けいぞく - Continue / Persistence 成功せいこう - Success
