
No-4 The all sentences

In a certain high school in a rural area surrounded by lush nature, the rhythmic gymnastics team students practice daily.

While dedicating themselves to academics, the students also learn the importance of teamwork as they strengthen their minds and bodies through sports.

監督かんとく助言じょげんもらいながら生徒せいとたちは自分じぶんたちで練習れんしゅう計画けいかくつくります。 Under the guidance of their coach, the students create their own practice plans.

Rather than just following orders, they think for themselves and collaborate with teammates to create performances.

Through daily, diligent practice, they bring their envisioned ideas to life.

The popularity of men's rhythmic gymnastics is low, and many Japanese people are unaware of its existence.

Despite being such a niche sport, their graceful yet dynamic performances are breathtakingly beautiful, captivating those who watch.


  1. 学業がくぎょう励むはげむ (gakugyou ni hagemu) - Devote oneself to academics
  2. スポーツをとおして (supōtsu wo tsūshite) - Through sports
  3. 助言じょげん (jogen) - Advice
  4. 指示しじ (shiji) - Instruction
  5. 自らみずから (mizukara) - Oneself
  6. 意見いけん交わすかわす (iken wo kawasu) - Exchange opinions
  7. 描くえがく (egaku) - Draw
  8. 日々ひび (hibi) - Day by day
  9. 地道じみち練習れんしゅう (jimichi na renshū) - Steady practice
  10. 積み重ねつみかさね (tsumikasane) - Accumulation
  11. かたちあるもの (katachi aru mono) - Something tangible
  12. 仕上げるしあげる (shiageru) - Finish or complete
  13. 知名度ちめいど (chimeido) - Popularity
  14. 存在そんざい (sonzai) - Existence

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